The Women's Centre

The Women's Centre

Beibhinn House
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Sharon McLaughlin

The Women's Centre is a feminist community education initiative. We provide a broad range of education and training, employability and back to work programmes. . The Centre has an on site creche to provide access for women who have babies in the 8wks - 4

The Women's Centre is a feminist community education initiative. We provide a broad range of education and training, employability and back to work programmes.  . The Centre has an on site creche to provide access for women who have babies in the 8wks - 4 years age range. We provide support and signposting servoces for women and families. Our ethos is anchored in values of self help, empowerment, equality, access and enablemant.

The Women's Centre works in partnership with women's organisations throughout the region. We provide regional services for women's organisations supporting women from disadvantaged and rurally isolated communities. We also work with statutory agencies and goverment to influence policy and implement programmes to address social & economic disadvantage and to encourage community development.

The Women's Centre's Services

Support for individual women, children and families

The Women's Centre

5 Guildhall Street Derry BT48 6BB

COVID-19 Service

The Women's Centre's Content

Apr 17 12:00pm

Invitation to Tender Tutor/Teaching Opportunities

The Women's Centre

Women’s Centre Derry is seeking tenders for the tutoring / teaching of the below courses as part of our PROSPER 3 project which is supported by the EU/Northern Ireland European Social Fund 2014 -2020, DfE & DfC.

More Information

Type of Organisation



  • Ciara McGonigle
  • Catherine Barr
  • Margaret Logue