LLT Community Association

LLT Community Association

Drumnascamph Rd,
BT63 6DU
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Neil Gillan
LLT Community Association wants to see a community in which people are proud to live; where individuals are empowered to make a positive difference in their own lives and the lives of others; and where all groups within the community are afforded respect.

Need a venue for your event? Situated in a rural setting outside Banbridge, LLT Community Centre is the ideal venue for small conferences, workshops, seminars and meetings. Let us help make your event a success!

LLT Community Association refurbished the Old Bann National School in Laurencetown for use as a community centre in 1998.

Today the Centre is a busy hub for many groups and activities, serving the local community and beyond.


We offer for hire any combination of three rooms from the Tullylish Room, which can cater of 20 people, to the Laurencetown Room which can manage 80. In between, the Lenaderg room boasts and attractive drop-in area with an open fire.


In addition we can help with your catering arrangements with a varied menu on offer to suit any budget through local caterer, Gilberry Fayre.

So no matter what you are planning, give us a ring and we will be happy to discuss how we can help you.


LLT Community Association's Services

LLTCA's Connecting the Community for the over 65s

LLT Community Association

Laurencetown and surrounding towns and villages

Support for adults, including groups specifically for older people

LLT Community Association

10 Drumnscamph Road Laurencetown Craigavon BT63 6DU

Delivery service for local SPAR, phonecalls to isolated people, prescription pick up, signposting to other services

LLT Community Association

Drumnascamph Road, Laurencetown Craigavon BT63 6DU

COVID-19 Service

LLT Community Association's Content


Volunteer 1-1 Befriending & Time out for Carers for the over 65s

LLT Community Association


LLT Community Association's Venues

Office Space at Laurencetown Community Centre

LLT Community Association

10 A Drumnascamph Road
BT63 6DU
United Kingdom

Venue Type:
  • Office rental

More Information

Type of Organisation





  • Sarah McNeill
  • Claire Patience