FAIR (Families Acting for Innocent Relatives)

FAIR (Families Acting for Innocent Relatives)

Mount Pleasant House
18 Mowhan Road
BT60 1RQ
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Molly Carson, MBE
FAIR represent an non-sectarian, non-political organisation to work in the interests of the innocent victims of terrorism in South Armagh

FAIR undertakes and delivers a wide range of activities and services to support victims and survivors. The main areas of service provision include:
Justice Issues researched
FAIR actively works in close contact with bodies such as the PSNI, HET & N I Human Rights Commission on behalf of innocent victims.  A specialist team of advisors & legal experts are available to help victims in times of uncertainty.
Support services
FAIR provides a support service to members to assist in the process of recovery from conflict related trauma and the social consequences of troubles related violence.

Social outings & activities
FAIR organises social outings and activities for members which provide an opportunity for the development of supportive relationships and social networks to assist the recovery process. Examples of outings and social activities include; visits to partner victims groups, shopping trips, coffee mornings, memorial events, and social evenings.

Peace and reconciliations activities
Integrated into a range of FAIR's activities is the promotion of peace and reconciliation for victims and survivors of terrorism.
Welfare advice
FAIR is here to advise members of their entitlements regarding benefits & welfare. Issues we deal with include - advice given on pensions, disability allowances & financial issues. Guidance can also be given on completing forms. FAIR works with the UDR Benevolent Fund giving support to victims/survivors.
Complimentary therapies

 Project Sacred (a partnership between FAIR & The Ely Centre) offer therapies to victims/survivors & their carers. Continually expanding and developing the range of treatments to offer to our varying membership needs . The treatments are facilitated by professionals in the field of alternative and complementary therapy who operate in the South Armagh & borderlands area.

The range of therapies on offer include:
Thai Massage
Auricular ear therapy
Hot Stone Therapy
Indian Head Massage

Our treatments are generously subsidised by grant funding from the Community Relations Council. Clients are recommended to benefit from at least 4 sessions. The treatments are arranged through booking at FAIR and all interested are invited to contact the centre to arrange an appointment.

These therapies are also offered by partner in the Project Sacred programme, The Ely Centre, based in Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh.
SocialExcursions & Tours
In addition to other excursions arranged by FAIR on a regular basis particular tours & excursions are arranged specifically for ex servicemen & women who served in South Armagh.
Counselling & Social Counselling
Counselling for victims/survivors is available directly from FAIR. Confidentiality assured.

Training & employment support
Members can avail of support to promote their employability.  Courses run throughout the year include CV development and interview technique workshops, as well as access to training courses such as digger and forklift driving.

Computer & other training
FAIR has a computer suite available for members' use.  Throughout the year we run a number of basic and accredited computer courses.

Other courses we hope to be running in the near future include Digital Photography, Scrapbooking, Wreath Making, Card Making, Remembrance Quilt Making, Sewing, Picture Framing & much more.

Youth/second generation victim support
FAIR runs a dedicated programme of activity for young people aged 16-25 years old.  This includes a drop in facility in Mount Pleasant House which has a recreation area, resource suite and kitchen facilities.

FAIR runs a befriending programme through a network of volunteers.

Research is an important part of the work of FAIR which contributes to the memorialisation of traumatic experiences and recognition of the suffering experienced by victims and survivors. It also enables a foundation for future developments within the organisation and sector, allowing members and stakeholders to be able to contribute to the future direction of victims work.
Archiving Projects. They aim to archive the stories of innocent victims of terrorism in the South Armagh & border lands area, & in Co Fermanagh. The stories will be archived onto dvd & a web based archive. These accurate recollections as told by victims/survivors, will be available for future generations to access & see for themselves the impact terrorism had on the sufferers lives.

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  • Molly Carson