Dromore Community Playgroup

Dromore Community Playgroup

14 Omagh Road
Dromore, Co Tyrone
BT78 3AH
United Kingdom

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FAO Dromore Community Playgroup - Management Committee
We provide a safe and stimulating supervised environment where they can feel safe and happy. We provide opportunities to investigate, satisfy their curiosity, explore the environment inside and outside the playroom. The children are given time for learning through play and they are taught how to interact with adults and children alike, Each child is treated as an individual and will be supported sensitively to participate in their play. We provide activities which are enjoyable and motivating. The children will be challenged and stimulated by us building on their natural curiosity and desire to experiment. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum and build on their previous learning and allowing them to make choices and decisions.

Children receive a high standard of preschool education. Children benefit by increasing their ability to look after themselves and others, progressing their mathematical and language skills, and improving their social and emotional skills in areas such as conversation, compassion, understanding and sharing. Gross motor and Fine motor skills are 

enhanced through play in and out of doors. Children in their preschool year benefit enormously from their Playgroup experience with increased ability to concentrate and problem solve. These benefits are evidenced through - Staff keeping weekly records of their key children’s progress and this is communicated to parents regularly. Parents also complete an evaluation form at the end of the summer term to help the Playgroup evaluate the effectiveness the service. The purposes of our charity may lead to the following harm – Children may fall and trip, but the potential harm of cuts and grazes is outweighed by the benefits of free play in improved gross motor skills. The charity’s beneficiaries are the children who are in their pre-school year and their parents. This includes children with special needs and those who are socially disadvantaged. The private benefit flowing from this purpose is Parents may volunteer in Playgroup by becoming members of the Playgroup committee which helps with activities, fun days and fundraising. They benefit from seeing their child expand their social group and improve their self-confidence. This is an incidental benefit. The direct benefits which flow from this purpose are - The developmental needs of each child are continually assessed by their keyworker in line with learning potentials and outcomes so that any given activity holds a lesson which in turn advances the child’s educational growth. The local Community helps the work of Playgroup by supporting our Fun days and fundraising activities. They also offer their services at reduced costs or sometimes for free. Benefits to the local community is the continued provision of an educational hub for children of preschool age. These benefits are evidenced through- The child’s development is recorded every week. This is shared with the parent/guardian at regular meetings so that the parent is also kept appraised of the child’s progress. Parents can feed back to the Playgroup at this meeting outlining the changes/progress they have noticed in their child. There is no harm flowing from this purpose. The charity’s beneficiaries are the children who are in their pre-school year and their parents. This includes children with special needs and those who are socially disadvantaged. There is no private benefit flowing from this purpose. The direct benefits which flow from this purpose are – Children have a safe and stimulating environment with opportunities to investigate and explore their curiosity through play indoors and outdoors, during the school term and also during the summer scheme which runs for two weeks in July. These benefits are evidenced through – Gross motor and Fine motor skills are enhanced through play in and out of doors. The purposes of our charity may lead to the following harm – Children may fall and trip, but we can show that the potential harm of cuts and grazes is outweighed by the benefits of free play in improved gross motor skills. The charity’s beneficiaries are the children who are in their pre-school year. The beneficiaries for the Summer scheme includes those who have completed their preschool year and those who have completed Primary one. This includes children with special needs and those who are socially disadvantaged. The private benefit flowing from this purpose is Parents who volunteer feel that they are helping to advance their child's development in a hands on way. This is an incidental benefit.

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  • Dromore Community Playgroup