Recruitment Support for early years staff

We can help remove the time and hassle required in finding experienced, qualified staff for your registered childcare setting. By using Childcare Solutions, you can be sure you will be supplied with the right person for your vacancy.

Childcare Solutions is leading the way in recruiting and supplying early years staff across Northern Ireland.

We can help remove the time and hassle required in finding experienced, qualified staff for your registered childcare setting. By using Childcare Solutions, you can be sure you will be supplied with the right person for your vacancy.

Benefits of Using the Service

Let us take care of your next permanent childcare recruitment campaign and you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • No need for advertisement - saving time and money.
  • Increased chance of finding the right Childcarer to meet your specific needs.
  • Reduce the impact on your resources - time spent processing applications, conducting interviews, chasing references etc.
  • Save management time – depending on the HR package you chose, Managers need only be involved at final selection; the rest is taken care of.
  • A dedicated Client Account Manager on hand to provide regular updates.
  • Ongoing advice and information - a helpline open 8am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

We offer 3 HR packages, Bronze, Silver and Gold:


  • We advertise your vacancy online (NIJobs, CommunityNI, Jobcentreonline, Childcare Solutions website, Facebook, Twitter), in Job Centres, within our existing staff bank of childcare staff and via our network of contacts in the local community for a period of 2 weeks.
  • We compile the application forms and forward them to you for short listing and interview.

All advertising will clearly state that we are recruiting on behalf of you and you are responsible for all the relevant checks in line with the minimum standards.


  • We advertise your vacancy as above but then complete all the HR processes through to final stage of interview and selection.
  • We will complete all the relevant checks for the successful candidate including references, medical report Access NI and Trust approval.
  • Having completed the HR process and checks, the successful candidate is employed as a permanent staff member of your team.


  • The Gold HR package includes all the benefits of the Silver HR package for one recruitment campaign.
  • It also provides a payroll facility on an ongoing basis.

For further information regarding terms and conditions including the costs for each package, please contact 0800 206 1488 or email [email protected] 

Last updated 6 years 10 months ago