Cancer Focus' partnership with Victoria Square

Former Miss Northern Ireland Meagan Green flipped a coin and made a wish at Victoria Square fountain with the help of Cancer Focus NI’s friendly mascot, Genevieve the goat.

The glamorous pair was in Belfast for the launch of the new 2014 charity partnership between Victoria Square shopping centre and Cancer Focus NI.

Belfast’s number one shopping destination has chosen Cancer Focus NI as its official charity partner and is aiming to raise thousands of pounds during the year for cancer patients and their families here in Northern Ireland.

An exciting calendar of fun, fab events has been planned over the next 12 months that will showcase the work of the charity. The Cancer Focus NI Keeping Well Van will attend various events, while Genevieve, the charity’s healthy goat - a firm favourite with children - will join in family activities. 

Lauren Campbell, Marketing Manager for the said: “As Belfast’s top shopping destination we are thrilled to be supporting a local cancer charity and helping local cancer patients and their families in Northern Ireland. We have some new and exciting events coming up over the next year which will benefit Cancer Focus NI. Supporting a local charity is so important to us, and we’re really looking forward to working with Cancer Focus NI this year, enabling them to help even more cancer patients and their families.”

Rosie Forsythe, Fundraiser for Cancer Focus NI, said, “We’re absolutely delighted to be working with Victoria Square this year to support families dealing with cancer across Northern Ireland. Cancer Focus NI is a local charity, so all the money we raise is used to benefit the local community.

“Every year Cancer Focus NI provides care and support to 4,000 people living with cancer, including 180 children whose parent is living with a diagnosis and 500 women who need fittings for bras and swimwear after breast surgery.

“Our cancer prevention team visits 250 primary schools across Northern Ireland with our schools health and education package, delivers community health events to 20,000 people and helps 800 people to stop smoking each year. We also fund pioneering research at Queen’s University Belfast, investing £300,000 to £400,000 annually into developing tests for, treatment of and prevention of breast cancer.

“As a local charity we really rely on the support of businesses such as Victoria Square as we receive less than 5% government funding. Thank you so much to Victoria Square for choosing to work with us - we are so excited about the year ahead.”

Cancer Focus NI will be holding collections, family events and fun days in the centre throughout 2014. As well as raising funds for life-saving and life-changing services, the charity also wants to raise cancer awareness and will be holding information days at the centre using its Keeping Well Van, stop smoking stands and care in the sun clinics. To find out how you can personally take part, please contact Rosie on [email protected] or 028 9068 0759.


Last updated 10 years ago