2016 GSK IMPACT Awards - core funding and free training for health charities

The GSK IMPACT Awards provide core funding, training and national recognition for charities that are doing excellent work to improve people’s health. Up to 20 awards will be made ranging from £3,000 to £40,000. You do not need to present a new project as

Winning organisations will have a professional film made, receive support with press and publicity and will be given a set of promotional materials. They will also be offered two places on the GSK IMPACT Awards training programme. In 2016 there will be three days of training leading up to the high profile GSK IMPACT Awards ceremony at the Science Museum. After this participants will be invited to join the wider GSK IMPACT Awards Network. This connects past award winners both online and at meetings held across the UK, to get and give support, share best practice and continue their professional development. The training and development is valued at up to £6,000 for each organisation.  

One of our 2015 winners was WAVE Trauma Centre based in Belfast, offering care and support to anyone bereaved, injured or traumatised through the violence in Northern Ireland. View their film http://www.kingsfund.org.uk/audio-video/2015-gsk-impact-awards-wave-trauma-centre

Comments from this year’s award winners: 

“Winning a GSK IMPACT Award has really meant a great deal to us. It has raised our profile and it is so good to be able to say on future funding applications that we have the kudos of being a winner of a GSK award. Just the whole experience of applying, the assessment visit, the whole thing has been an amazing experience.”

 “Traditionally charities are very modest, but to be told that we are doing good work amongst our peers and to celebrate our work is very special.”

 “We know that the award will change the charity in a really positive way and us as leaders. We already feel more confident about talking about the impact that we make and can’t wait to get out there and seize the opportunities!”

 “Having access to excellent training is unusual, but the dual combination of excellent training whilst working with a whole range of award winning charities who are all striving for excellence is unique.”

 To apply for a GSK IMPACT Award or to find out about the training, the 2015 winners or to view their films go to:


 Closing date for applications: 25 September 2015


Last updated 8 years 8 months ago