Millburn Complementary Therapy Centre

Millburn Complementary Therapy Centre

65 Millburn Road
BT52 1QX
United Kingdom

What we want is to see you improve your health and live life with fun and without restrictions. We will help you to find unique solutions to your individual issues. Whether you have real problems or just want to feel that little bit more verve in your life, we have therapies that will empower you to get back on track. All our therapists are aware of how the others work and we will refer you to another therapist if we think what they can offer will help in your unique circumstances.

Millburn Complementary Therapy Centre's Services

Enjoy a new, recharged you that can look at life from a new, healthier perspective.

Millburn Complementary Therapy Centre

Coleraine and surrounding areas.

COVID-19 Service

Phone and skype CBT (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy) consultations

Millburn Complementary Therapy Centre

65 Millburn Road, Coleraine, BT52 1QX

COVID-19 Service

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  • Susan Evans