Get Involved: have your voice heard in the Assembly

The Northern Ireland Assembly, in partnership with local community representatives, is inviting you to a 'Get Involved' conference in Newry on 7 October and one in Cookstown on 14 October.

Your MLAs make decisions every day in the Northern Ireland Assembly which affect you and your community.

The Assembly is working with the Confederation of Community Groups in Newry and the Rural Community Network in Cookstown to hold 2 conferences that give local groups the information they need to have their voices heard.

The conference features a Question and Answer session with MLAs on local issues – so make sure you have your questions ready.

Practical information and advice

Then you will receive practical guidance on how to have your opinions heard, how the Committee process works and what happens during an evidence session if you are asked to represent a community issue.

There is also an opportunity to input into the Assembly’s plans for improving its work with the community and voluntary sector for better involvement in the future.

To register:

Registering is easy – simply contact Edna or Carol at the Confederation of Community Groups if you wish to attend the Newry event, which takes places on Friday 7 October in Ballybot House, Newry, from 10.00am to 3.30pm,

or Sarah Christie at the Rural Community Network for the Cookstown event, which takes place in CAFRE, Loughrey Campus, Cookstown on Friday 14 October from 9.15am to 2.30pm.

Last updated 12 years 2 months ago