Durkan responds to DSD transfer of urban regeneration and community development powers to councils

Environment Minister Mark H Durkan has commented on the delay of the transfer of urban regeneration and community development powers to local councils.

Under local government reform, DSD was due to provide councils with urban regeneration and community development powers on 1 April 2015. The transfer has been delayed by one year until April 2016.

Mark H Durkan said: “I recognise the efforts that Minister Storey has made to allow this legislation to proceed. It’s very important to have regeneration at a local level. These functions combined with local planning, local economic development, local tourism and councils’ current functions, will truly allow councils to be more flexible to local need and make a difference to how they shape their areas and communities.

“However, given how these functions knit together, it is disappointing that the powers will not confer until 2016. I therefore expect DSD to engage with the new councils during their first year of operation to ensure that its physical regeneration activity fits with the physical plans that councils will develop for their areas. I also expect DSD to play a full and active role in the community planning process that councils will lead.”

Last updated 9 years 6 months ago