Job | Full Time

Youth Project Worker

Leafair Community Association

The Personal Youth Development Programme will present young people with new opportunities to become active in good relations and access jobs and skills training.

The personalised programme is designed to allow participants to enrol and opt in/out at multiple points that suit their circumstances and will support them to make decisions that improve their lives, communities and interactions with others.

PYDP is funded by the International Fund for Ireland (IFI) and is particularly interested in engaging young people that are vulnerable to polarisation/recruitment by organisations opposed to the peace process.

It is targeting 16-25 year olds who may have:-

  • Left education with no or low qualifications or who left the education system early;
  • Concluded that education does not offer the skills and experience they need;
  • Been or currently are involved in substance abuse;
  • Become affected by homelessness;
  • Come from a difficult family background;
  • Been in, or close to, the criminal justice system;
  • Suffered from poor health including mental health issues;
  • Mistrust of statutory institutions;
  • Not participated in civic society in a positive manner; and
  • Come from communities with a negative view of their future

PYDP is designed to offer young people the opportunity to join a long term programme that provides support to progress through the various stages until they are ready to return to education, access statutory training courses or enter employment.

Closing Date

Friday / 26 October 2018

Contact Details

Skeoge House
60a Leafair Park
United Kingdom


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