Music for Life Academy

Music for Life Academy

Blaris Industrial Estate
Unit 2, 24 Altona Road
BT27 5QB
United Kingdom

Opening Hours

9am - 5pm

Music for Life is a Christian organisation empowering African children trapped in the cycle of poverty to rise up and create positive, lasting change. Music for Life is uniquely positioned to do this because we make deep, long-term investments in children who go on to have an exponential impact on their families, communities and countries. Through our African Children's Choir programme we harnesses the power of music to generate international awareness and funds for its programmes in Africa. Our focus on providing African children and youth with a quality education, leadership skills, mentoring and ongoing discipleship equips and prepares them to solve problems for themselves, their communities and their countries.

We believe that access to a quality education is paramount to the fight against poverty. In many regions throughout Africa, schools are either unavailable or too expensive for most families to afford. Accessing a quality education is nearly impossible for most.

Beginning in primary school, and continuing throughout a child’s entire academic career (which often spans university) Music for Life provides students with a quality education so they can attack the root of poverty in their communities in a creative, strategic and effective way. 

Students also have opportunities to develop their natural talents and acquire important life and vocational skills while in our programme.

Music for Life also offers continuing education courses (i.e. entrepreneur training programs, interview training programs, etc.) to graduates who wish to gain additional knowledge and skills.

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Music for Life

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  • Sylvia Callister